- Goodbye Gauley Mountain
Kino Lorber is now our distributor. To make institutional purchases or to book the film go to: gauleymountain.com
- Wedding Compilation
- EcoSex Lab
Site created for the 1st International EcoSex Symposium produced by Luke Dixon, Annie Sprinkle, and Beth Stephens.
- Goodbye Gauley Mountain
Ecosexuals Stephens and Sprinkle go to Appalachia to help stop mountaintop removal. This is the story of how they fall in love with and marry the mountains while fighting for environmental justice.
- Sexecology
Elzabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle are creating a new field of research, SexEcology, where sexology and ecology intersect. They seek to shift the metaphor “Earth as Mother” to “Earth as Lover” in order to encourage a more mutual and sustainable relationship with the Earth. They also intend to make the environmental movement a little more sexy, fun and diverse as they continue practicing how to treat the earth with kindness, respect and affection.
The Love Art Laboratory is now an archive of the seven year project in which Elizabeth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle explored love as art. Each year was based on the theme and color of a chakra and began with a wedding. Although we only planned on having one wedding a year, we ended up having fourteen weddings, eleven of which were to nature entities. The final Love Art Laboratory project was our wedding to the Sun on Bernal Hill in San Francisco on December 18, 2011.
A three month long road trip performance art piece that occurred on U.S. highways interstates and backroads. My audience directed my travels by requesting that I go to certain places and execute certain acts in specific places or along the way. As their travel avatar I fulfilled their requests. The web site exhibits the process, routes and results of this journey.