Course Description
This course will explore the writings that various artists produce in conjunction with their own art works. These writings range from discrete documents to personal and critical commentaries on art, politics and life. In conjunction with assigned readings of established artists’ writings, the class will produce its own statements, manifestos, origin myths and critiques of their own work as well as the work of others. These writings will be collected to produce a collaborative book of works as a final project. Students may also make art based on their writings in this class. This course is essential for anyone who wants to learn to write about art work or who wants to produce writing in conjunction with their own art. This writing can take of form of developing concepts, using writing as a tool for communicating art ideas, writing to map out performance ideas or artistic writing as an art form in and of itself. This course may be used to fulfill a writing requirement.
Class time will consist of discussions of readings, writings, critiques of art work and studio work time.
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