FILM NOTES: 9_24_11
This is a list of notes compiled after showing the rough cut to a series of people, (some who are in the film and others who are not) and listening to their feedback.
Opening shots
Open on the mountains? Or wedding? Or dogs? Or beth’s shirt?
If we put wedding at front, explain the back story.
Beth is from a family that worked in the coal mining industry making parts for mining equipment. Father was a salesman. Show coal bit prototype?
Coal sent me to school and supported my whole family.
Tell that you are a professor, and living in California. Why did you leave? Or show plane coming in to West Va. Landing. Beth landing.
Introduce Annie and explain how she got involved.
*** Explanation of MTR
“Every year they use as many explosives as Nagasaki…”
What has happened because of MTR?
What about coal companies? Are they evil? Why?
Explain deep mining vs. MTR
Add gnarly machine sounds with the heavy equipment.
Juxtapose or intercut some beautiful nature and mountains with the MTR footage.
Add coal trucks/trains. Taking coal out.
Aerial shots, put “Three months later.” Text or v.o.
How is coal company killing people, animals, trees.
Beth is against all mining at this point-put this in in the voice over.
Take out cell phone with clouds
Explain that “when I grew up here, people who were gay got killed.”
Add something about changing metaphor form Earth as Mother to Lover.
Definition of ecosexual.
Definition of Sexecology.
What is the gay pride event? Identify the picnic.
Get rid of the “Tide is high” music.
Before showing the police, explain place, and the show sleeping dragon protesters.
Other protests/arrests.
Give more context to the sleeping dragon event.
What about showing the other DEP Protest we attended-and maybe other one at the capital. (see if Jordan has some protest footage.)
Tell that your mother died at 6, and Anne was like a mother.
Cut out the first “splay” shot.
Have her say something about MTR?
Do a minute or minute and a half of beautiful nature of Appalachians. So that the mountains are really appreciated by audience early on, as a character.
More scenery/flowers/spiders/butterflies/nature.
Pin ups of Annie
Patricia’s book?
Hawk’s nest photographs
Take out “why you are making this film.” (Let the film tell the story)—or move it.
Shot when Vivian Stockman is talking about “people in cities moving around/community” Car in traffic.
Close up of phone with clouds.
Explain more about who he is and what he did.
Put tears in a bit later—Find the footage where he talks about shutting down a mine.
Annie: take out the story.
Beth: leave in the story.
Add cover of her book.
Hawk’s Nest photo.
Explain why she is in an MTR movie.
VO-“ They turned this grave yard into a golf course.”
Make his part stronger. Who is he? Explain about Kayford and his land in relationship to coal company.
Who is she? Why is she in the film?
Add a comment about mining-
There is footage where she does say that she wouldn’t want anyone taking her mountain away from her.
Show Paul’s house and tell how he lives totally off the grid.
On the jar photo, put “drinking water.”
“Who cares if a few people have …” Add the statistics.
Lighten copyright text
Show childhood photos with Cindy.
Photo of dad and brothers. Old family photos.
Introduce Marathon.
Explain Friends of Coal. What is it? Show stickers/bumperstickers/billboards.
Take out music.
Who is she? Is she from Wva? Or living there? More about her.
LINDY TOWN—maybe Paul has some photos he’s lend
Show photos of it.
Identify the town and explain what happened to it.
Find NY Times article.
Lengthen fence shot.
Really make this more painful and dramatic. (Put ‘knife’ in deeper.)
End the music before we see Patricia.
Newspaper headlines.
Explain how they stopped a creak and didn’t have to follow laws for water.
Where are we?
Identify what the place is.
Mention the many arrests and protests. Or in the activist section.
Shorten this scene.
Say why you are learning tree climbing earlier on. (Show photos of tree sitters?)
Change “activist/cook” to activist trainer, (Beth keep activist cook too).
Show grumble 200 feet up, high. Take out him saying “not that high.”
There’s a bad cut from Beth in three to wedding costume/penis.
At gunshots add Dueling Banjos.
Add photo of Beth with gun at “gun shooting days.”
Plug Grumbles organization. Seeds of Peace
Annie has one too many grimaces. Take out the first one but leave the rest.
Cut in some tree sitting photos from various protests. Julie Butterfly?
Identify Joe Kramer
Superimpose Michael’s butoh with MTR blasts.
Take out “This is dedicated to Larry Gibson.”
Cut down the purple couple dance. Too long! Make it one third the length.
Different music for purple couple.
Put that it was at University of Ohio?
Have some closing words voice over.
What we can all do?
Add resources.
Explain Jack and Vivienne’s voice. Put their faces before or during the MTR footage.
Put West VA map footage earlier.
Intro Rick before we hear his voice come in. Or identify his voice.
Add pro MTR by RL.
Add some photos of younger Beth.
Put music over him at the end of his part. Make dramatic.
Add more of his photos.
Explain the empty chair.
Montage of death and dying. Big branch memorial services. Memorial to miners photo (annie).
Add more mountain music.
She moved away to have her baby elsewhere.
Find out about getting permissions for Hazel Dicken’s song, Dueling Banjos, Fair use for songs in background.
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